Who ended up with the 250-1 Hillary headache?

Who ended up with the 250-1 Hillary headache?

NH 2008 Betfair.jpg

    How the prices changed wildly during the New Hampshire count

This is a chart that appeared on the Betfair site on Wednesday morning and shows the violent changes in the betting price on Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire as the news came in.

The most stunning part is the sudden surge in her price to 250/1 as some early reports suggested that the polls were right and that the former First Lady was about to come in second.

This records prices at which trades were made so someone or several punters would have been lumbered with paying out on the 250/1. We do not know what the stake level was but even if it was only a tenner it must have been painful.

I don’t think I can recall such a turnaround in any political market. At one stage people were betting at 1/100 that Obama would do it.

I was quite fortunate although I did not think so at the time. That night I was staying with friends on Devon where there was no reception on my Vodafone 3G card in my lap-top. The result was that I had limited information and could not bet. This probably saved me a fair bit of money.

PBC Party reminder – January 25th 2007 National Liberal Club London
The following have already indicated that they hope to be there:-

David Herdson
Augustus Carp
David Kendrick
Benedict White
UK Paul
Double Carpet
John Wheatley
Julian H
Jan from Norway
Andrea Parma (possibly)
Ian Jones

You don’t need to book but will be charged £5 at the door.

Mike Smithson

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