Marf on Ed Miliband’s million lost voters – which could hurt Labour most

Marf on Ed Miliband’s million lost voters – which could hurt Labour most

This the the first general election where new additions to the electoral register have to sign up individually rather than doing it on a household or other form of block basis.

Labour, which attracts more young voters than the other parties, is clearly feeling vulnerable about the implementation of a measure that is likely to hurt them most. But this is the law and the party has to work within in it. Raising awareness and running youth campaigns is obviously the way to go.

One aspect on this is polling. If a significant group has not signed up then they should be asking those polled whether or not they are on the register. Clearly the views of those who aren’t should count for less.

Mike Smithson

For 11 years viewing politics from OUTSIDE the Westminster bubble

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