TV debates plan B+1. Is Number 10 going to agree this time?

TV debates plan B+1. Is Number 10 going to agree this time?

Seven participants is just too many

Not long to go before the election campaign starts and this afternoon the broadcasters put forward a new proposal on leaders’ debates which, for the first time, brings in SNP/PC as well as the Greens.

Two of the debates; those hosted by ITV and BBC would feature all seven parties – the third, Sky’s, would just be Miliband and Cameron.

Seven participants is quite simply far too many. We see such sessions take place in the early stages of the US presidential election primaries and having so many on the stage hardly makes for good TV or help inform voters.

The big question is whether Number 10 will block this latest plan and, if so, for what reason.

My view remains. Cameron and his team don’t want them and will find a reason not to co-operate.

Mike Smithson

For 11 years viewing politics from OUTSIDE the Westminster bubble

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