Donald Trump might be engaging in some polling denial

Donald Trump might be engaging in some polling denial

Is the GOP nominee flying blind in the swing states?

One of the fun things about the final few days of any election campaign, be it a US Presidential race or a UK general election is seeing where the leaders/candidates are spending the final few days of the campaign as it feels you glean where the battleground states are based on the candidate’s private polling which in turn gives you an indication of the final result.

A cursory look at Trump’s schedule for the final few days seems to be that of a candidate on course for victory. But following on from reports a few days ago that Team Trump was refusing to pay their pollster $750,000 which might explain his campaigning in interesting places as per the tweet below.

So why would Team Trump stop polling? Well they do have form on ignoring bad polling in the past.

On this evidence I’m going to infer that Trump has some bad private polling and that has led to the current contretemps with his pollster. Donald Trump, the non career politician, in my opinion possesses the temperament of someone who doesn’t react well to bad news, polling denial is often synonomous with a losing candidate. In the early hours of Wednesday morning we’re going to find out if my supposition is right.


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