Hillary moves much closer to the nomination following Joe Biden’s announcement that he won’t be running

Hillary moves much closer to the nomination following Joe Biden’s announcement that he won’t be running

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Latest Betfair trade: Clinton 83.3% chance

Next year’s White House race looks a lot clearer this evening following Joe Biden’s announcement within the past hour that he will not run for the Democratic nomination.

There are other runners still in the race including the Vermont socialist Senator, Bernie Sanders but it’s hard to see how they can mount a challenge that puts Hillary at risk. Sanders who is in his mid 70s has been polling well, although Hillary is a head by quite a margin in the national surveys.

This news from Biden comes on the eve of Hillary’s appearance before the Senate Benghazi committee which has been investigating the circumstances in which four American diplomats were killed while Hillary was Secretary of State.

There’ve been accusations from the Democrats that the Republican dominated senate has pursued the investigation for partisan reasons and as a means of undermining the Clinton campaign.

It is very hard to see, now, another candidate being able to come forward to take on the task of competing against Hillary Clinton.

Mike Smithson

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