The polling continues to look solid for Biden

The polling continues to look solid for Biden

And we’ve yet to see the impact of his comments about the military

The latest WH2020 average from RealClearPolitics is above and shows it getting back to what it was before the Republican convention. According to the latest RCP calculation Trump is 7% behind nationally.

This latest figure does not include any polls issued three polls have been published in the past hour that show margins for Biden of 10%, 11% and 13%. So it could be moving even further away.

A new batch of key state polling is also coming out today and what we have seen shows the same good trend for the 77 year old Democratic nominee.

The betting continues to have this race as being much closer and I agree with David Herdson in his last post that the betting markets continue to rate Trump’s re-election chances far too highly Part of the issue is that most of the money being wagered with UK bookmakers is not coming the the US itself.

All this is building up into the first TV debate on September 29th where Team Trump is hoping that Biden’s age will show in a form that is a negative for his chances.

My main bet is now laying Trump which covers me if something happened to Biden and Kamala Harris became the flag-carrier.

Mike Smithson

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