History isn’t going to be kind to Trump because of the manner of his departure

History isn’t going to be kind to Trump because of the manner of his departure

The term “Trump” will be used forever to describe a poor loser

Trump’s continuing denial of the outcome the 2020 Presidential Election looks set to continue right through to January 20th when Joe Biden will be inaugurated. No doubt there will be more antics from the White House in the weeks that remain but all the avenues that he’d sought to overturn the result appear to be blocked.

This isn’t surprising. For really it was quite ridiculous for his team to go into one courtroom after another claiming fraud without providing a shred of evidence. Is it any wonder that just about all the law firms his campaign had hired pulled out?

One feature that we can take heart from is that in state after state Republicans in positions of power have refused point blank to go along the Trump’s plan. Even those from Michigan who were summoned to the White House came out refusing to following Trump’s wishes.

You would have thought that before starting litigation there would have been some effort to involve the state parties.

One thing is for sure that the antics of Trump since the election are going to define his presidency for ever and that “doing a Trump” will become the accepted way of referring to a poor loser.

Each day he holds out he becomes more of a diminished figure and this could impact on his post-White House plans.

Mike Smithson

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