Meeks and Rentoul argue over Davey’s “No deals with CON”

Meeks and Rentoul argue over Davey’s “No deals with CON”

Interesting argument this lunchtime between former PBer, Alastair Meeks and John Rentoul of the Independent. Was Ed Davey right in his FT piece today to rule out any deal that would keep a Tory government in power.

The Meeks view is essentially that the way Johnson is current;y running the country is in a manner that is more alien to LD values than it is to LAB ones.

Rentoul’s argument is that by ruling out one side Davey could be undermining his negotiating position. Rentoul observes that after GE2010 Nick Clegg might have got more out of Cameron if he had allowed a Labour coalition to seem a more realistic threat.

Mike Smithson

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