It looks as though Johnson will fail to get a US trade deal

It looks as though Johnson will fail to get a US trade deal

This will raise questions about Brexit

Several of tomorrow’s papers are reporting the challenges facing BoJo in his question to get a post-Brexit trade deal with the US.

This is how the Guardian is reporting it:

Britain’s hopes of a post-Brexit trade deal with the US have all but evaporated barring a dramatic change of heart from President Biden..Johnson once regarded a bilateral free trade agreement with the US as a key Brexit win, highlighting the prospects for British exporters unfettered from the EU. But government insiders privately concede that they see little prospect of progress as the Biden administration focuses on other priorities..When Johnson was asked on Tuesday whether he still hoped to strike a free-trade agreement with the US by the time of the next general election, making trade cheaper by cutting tariffs, he said “we’re going as fast as we can” but declined to confirm whether it could be achieved before 2024.

With a plurality of voters contiung to tell pollsters that they think Brexit was “wrong” not getting a deal could be tricky for the PM at the next election. This rather undermines the whole point of Brexit.

I wonder how much Biden personally is behind this.

Mike Smithson

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