Ipsos-MORI net Johnson satisfaction rating slumps to minus 46%

Ipsos-MORI net Johnson satisfaction rating slumps to minus 46%

Mike Smithson

Although there has been something of an uptick for the Tories in some voting polls the latest from Ipsos-MORI in tonight’s London Standard is very bad for Johnson. A total of 70% said they were dissatisfied with him compared with just 24% saying they were satisfied.

The firm has been doing political polling in the UK since the 1970s and has records going that far back so we can make comparisons. Mrs. T at her lowest didn’t touch today’s ratings for Johnson though TMay also recorded a net minus 46% rating.

This could be coming at a critical time for the incumbent as his party’s MPs consider whether to mount a confidence bid that could see him being pushed out. If he’s not seen as an election winner then what’s the point of putting up with all the negatives?

The poll’s voting numbers are also bad for the Tories and slightly out of line with other recent surveys. LAB’s on 40%, up one, CON 31%, down three, with the LDs up two to 13%, and Greens up 2 to 9%

Mike Smithson

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