Let’s talk about Brexit

Let’s talk about Brexit

Ipsos aren’t the only pollsters to find support/opinions on Brexit being very low. I take the view that people saying Brexit is going badly/viewed negatively is not synonymous with rejoining however I recall a conversation I had with a Brexiteer in the run up to the referendum who took the view that if the UK voted to Leave and the country ultimately decided Brexit was a mistake they would vote to overturn it.

Unless something fundamentally changes I suspect support/approval continues to stay so low then that conversation about rejoining will happen, I’d expect some incrementalism such as joining the Single Market first.

I’d love to see a betting market on the UK rejoining the single market before the end of the decade, if the Tories rediscover their pro business credentials they may even propose it, it might be the only way to increase their vote share and win a general election.

Such policy switches aren’t uncommon, in a little over a decade the Tory party went from being pro Section 28 to introducing same sex marriage.


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