Too many tweets, Part II

Too many tweets, Part II

David Cameron was right on so many things, his maxim about Twitter was prescient and an indicia of the great man’s brilliance and humour. It has been over fourteen years since those comments and some politicians still haven’t learned the lesson but there’s now a different problem for politicians when it comes Twitter, we shall call this the X rated problem.

As we can see in the above Tweets when politicians post palpable nonsense then community notes will appear pointing out the epistemological problems of the tweet, in the past people would point out the inaccuracies such as Roddy Dunlop KC’s with Kirsty Blackman but these community notes give it a quasi official feeling.

Politicians talking nonsense isn’t a new thing but in the white heat of a general election parties and politicians might say something egregiously inaccurate that it becomes a story, particularly in the run up to the debates and they will learn about David Cameron’s maxim about Twitter the hard way.


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